“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:29-30 KJV)
A yoke is a wooden crosspiece that normally connects a mother cow to her young, as they are used for ploughing/cultivating the ground. It is usually seen as a delimiter because the yoked animals are compelled to move at each other’s pace. It signifies inhibited freedom. This is why we often break yokes the devil places on a child of God that are limiting the person’s progress in life.
However, we see Jesus in Matthew 11:29 encourage us to “Take my yoke …” It is a bit of a surprise that yoke, with all our preconceived knowledge about it, is what Jesus invites us to take. The yoke that Jesus recommends for his children is an “easy yoke” meaning it is not burdensome, does not limit but a bit like sitting in an aircraft, flying high above the skies and doing no work. The plane does all the job. Jesus is our plane in the flight to success in all we do. Jesus invites us to a yoke relationship where he does the job and we are sampling going along for the ride. This is his will and this is the essence of the invitation to “Take my yoke …”
Do you need insight about the complexities of life? Jesus also invites you to again “Take (his) yoke!” It is a yoke that breeds insight hence he says, “learn of me!” Knowledge comes when we are yoked with Jesus. All life’s questions and perplexities defuse when a person is in yoked relationship with Jesus Christ, especially through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, which will guide such a person into all truths.
A person in yoked relationship with Jesus always finds rest for his/her soul. We will rest secure in God and all our toils ends in Jesus Christ. Would you invite Jesus into your life and be eternally yoked with him? There are too many benefits for you not to say yes! Taking the yoke of Jesus simply demands submitting oneself to the demands, requirements and instructions of Jesus. The yoked young cow has no will of its but the will of the mother. Submit all your will to Jesus in a yoked relationship and begin to take the flight of your life to success. God bless you and have a happy week!