“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1 KJV)
An amazing scripture in the bible which always blesses me is Psalm 19:1 which documents the heavenly declaration about our God and His glory. Synonyms of the word declare can include broadcast, announce, proclaim, pronounce, etc. God’s glory need to be seen and we pray always for God to show forth his glory.
According to the Psalmist, the glory of God is made manifest for all to see—it is pronounced, broadcasted to us—in those things that God created. When we look at a green grass, and watch them grow from seedlings to tall grasses, the chemistry, physics, biology and history of such growth are all pointing to one thing: the glory of their maker.
Man is a complex organism. A study of the nerve systems of the body shows a complex system of nerves that are quite easily uncountable. God knows each of these and he fearfully and wonderfully made them all. Or should I speak of the brain—as little as it is, yet has such awesome intelligence that man can win battles over elephants and can control huge horses, simply by the knowledge of how to tame these animals. If it were for size, then man will not be the best but it was the size and intellect of man’s brain, do we find reason for our dominion.
It is God that made man and gave him the gift of such awesome intelligence. The scientists continue to date to design computers and many times such computers can reason fast, however no computer is as powerful as the human brain. Humans have made robots but when you see robots work, you realize how limited they are to man. This is why the Psalmist declares to us that God’s glory is best seen, not in the might move of God even though those are still valid, they are seen in the wonderful things that God has created. The rise and setting of the sun; the gentle evening breeze, the peaceful breathing of a child and the skipping about of young lions. All these point to a God who made them all and who is most deserving of our worship.
That is why Paul in Romans 1: 20 states that: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” When we see these awesome creations of God—the heavens and the firmament—proclaiming, broadcasting and showcasing the glory of God, we the observers are left with no excuse but rather to humble ourselves and worship our God. God has given us wisdom to understand Him and His glory in the things that we see round about us. As you engage with the powers of a faithful God who will arise to your aid this week; when you take a walk, pause for a moment to consider all that God has made and worship. I pray that the glorious power of God will be with you this week!