“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.” (1 Peter 2:24 NLT)
One of the benefits we derive as christians in the death of Jesus on the cross is that we might live for what is right. This is something that we do not think so seriously about as christians. Jesus died not simply for our sins to be forgiven and our healings to be accomplished, but in His dead, we receive the ability not to be enslaved to sin anymore but to actually live right.
Some people are trying their best to be the best they can be in life. They work so hard to master habits that seem to overwhelm they. They make resolutions regularly and when they fail, they feel very disappointed. In their own might, they are doing all they can to live right. However, Jesus has come and died and given us a different experience. He does not want us to make the christian walk a difficult one. He wants people to trust him for miraculous help to live right.
The power of the Holy Spirit is given to christians to help us in our infirmities. We do not know what to pray for but God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit gives us understanding and when we pray in tongues, we pray the mind of God over situations. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is there to guide us into all truths—not some—but all truths. God’s spirit energizes us with the ability to obtain wealth. It is by that same spirit that we are healed and God’s spirit ministering in us and through us will equip us for tremendous victories in life.
As you trust God in this month of divine help, I encourage you to tap into the completed work of Jesus on the Cross for you. He suffered, was beaten, died, buried as a criminal and rose again, that the ability for you to enjoy life may become open to you. He has given you every strength to live right and do right. Go into this week assured that you will live right, do right and win well!