… and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies;” (Genesis 22:17b KJV)
In this season on laughter, one of the vital factors that will guide the victory of God’s children is the understanding we have about God’s power within us in the face of challenges. In Daniel 11:32b, the bible speaks about a category of people who do know their God, and as a consequence are able to do exploits. The knowledge we have about God and his ways is a precursor to our ability to do exploits. It is not the meagre revelation we generate in our few minutes bible study that will guarantee a mountain-moving exploit.
The challenge facing us as Christians today is developing that spiritual might that we need to possess our possession—to go up unto the mountains and conquer the Anaks, that may seem like giants in our eyes but in reality are challenges awaiting the destructive effect of God’s power that we carry within us. To be able to do this, we have to learn a few things from the interactions of our father Abraham with God.
In the text of this exhortation, God called Abraham and declared to him that he will bless him and make him a blessing. Above all, the extent of his influence will not be limited to the vicinity of where he lives but to furthest shores. He was called to be hugely relevant in his generation and to affect the order of things because he carried God’s spirit in him and was approved of God. Finally, God commanded him to possess the gates of his enemies.
The last part of the promise is extremely significant even as we go ahead to seek total victory over every manifestations of the powers of hell. What does it mean to possess the gates of ones enemies? Is that a reality in our days? What steps do we need to take to be able to do that? Possessing the gates of ones enemies demands that we shall be in charge of the stronghold of the enemy. That means, we will have to determine how far the conquest of the enemy over our lives goes. We have to be the one making the decisions always and denying the enemy any foothold over us.
The statement implies that the very things the enemies use against us will become impotent over us because we have taken over control and will begin to use the armouries of the enemy to target and pull him and his agents down. This was a vitally important promise of God and it is the foundation for total liberty in our lives. We will grow to see that the devil is not able to harm us because we have taken over control by the grace and favour of God in our lives. David also understood this and so lived a life founded on the knowledge that his God is greatest and able to help him. Little wonder in the end, he was victorious in all his battles. Praise God.