Sunday School
The central aim of the Sunday school department is to provide a platform for Church members to study the bible so that, by so doing they can discover the treasures in it.
Ensure that each Sunday school class is manned every Sunday by an assigned teacher.
To teach lessons that will both challenge and reinforce Christian biblical standards in personal relationships and provide an unbiased guide to fulfilling God’s will in the Christian life.
The Sunday school department encourages workers to be identified with a specific Sunday school class to as to encourage every Church worker to achieve the following:
Be exposed to key cornerstones of faith and devotion to God – by so doing, to challenge us to live our lives in total obedience to God.
Provide an atmosphere for questions and answers on topical issues that border on every day Christian life.
The key departmental policies are as follows:
Every Sunday school teacher is required to attend a Sunday school preparatory session prior to teaching a class. Non-attendance to a preparatory class disqualifies the teacher from teaching a session.
Only the published Sunday school manual of RCCG for UK, Ireland and Europe is to be used in conducting Sunday school sessions.
Only established Sunday school teachers are allowed to teach a Sunday school class.
Workers are required to obtain a copy of the students’ manual for use in each class.
Sunday school is open to all church members.
Attendance to the respective classes are categorised as follows:
- Adult
- Youth
- Children
The process of running the Sunday school sessions every Sunday are as follows:
Sunday school HoD (Head of Department) announces the commencement of the Sunday school session immediately after the first service. He mentions the topic for the day and encourages all workers to move to their respective classes after the opening prayers.
The multimedia department puts the Sunday school highlights (covering: Topic, bible text, aim, memory verse and conclusion) immediately following the introduction of the Sunday school session on the information screens of the Church.
The Sunday school teachers move to their respective classes to lead the session for each Sunday immediately after the opening prayers.
The HoD ensures that the sessions are running properly by making occasional visits to classes and also making announcements on the time layout to guide the teachers on time management for the session.
At the close of the Sunday session, the HoD offers a summary, takes some questions (time permitting) and closes the session with a prayer.
By highlighting and reiterating same during every preparatory meeting. This meeting holds every Wednesday after the Digging deep service of the Church.