“Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.” (Zachariah 10:1 KJV)

I welcome you into a new month and the second half of the year. We appreciate the faithfulness of our God who has seen us through the first half of the year and has brought us into a new season with promises of great blessings. I congratulate you for making it this far and my prayer is that the faithful God we worship will give you a surprising miracle in this season.

In particular, the text of Zachariah 10:1 promises that the rain of God’s blessings is poured out upon you. It is not just the normal rain but a latter rain, especially in this latter season of the year. God will design for you, I pray bright clouds that will gather over your heads and rain for you abundance of blessings. It is going to be not just a trickle but rather a deluge of blessings: God’s unquenchable, unrestrained showers of blessings.

In the end of that text, we see the most unique part of the promises of God’s rain upon you in this season. The promises rains that the showers of blessing will fall upon every one grass in the field. It speaks of God’s blessings falling individually upon everyone of us. It is what I call a bespoke blessing: a type of blessing design specifically for you in your very situation.

My prayer for you this second half of the year is that God will design a blessing that is unique to your situation alone. It is bespoke solely for you in your very area of need. For others, that dimension of blessing may not be what they are desiring but for you, I pray that God will create a blessing that addresses your very exact area of need.

It may be a blessing of a child, a house, a settled status in this nation; church growth in incomparable numbers; a place of worship: whatever it is, I pray that God causes that specific (bespoke) rain of blessing you desire to be yours. It shall be a month of great testimonies for all of us. God bless you and make you week a wonderful one. God bless you and your family richly, it is well with all of us. Happy New Month.