“And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him.” (Ecclesiastes 3:14 KJV)
The wisest man that ever lived—King Solomon—assured us that everything that our God does is characterized by perfection. There are no side-effects with God, and we cannot add to his actions or remove from them. They are pure perfection. God chooses to act this way because he wants to create an atmosphere of divine reverence for Him and of His power!
On the other hand, the actions of man are fraught with side effects. In Mark 5:26, the bible tells us that the woman with the issue of blood “… had suffered many things of many physicians, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.” What a desperate situation she was in? Many physicians tried to cure her but she was still suffering. The medications were having dangerous side effects in her. Human attempts at deliverance damaged her condition. That is why David in Psalm 146:3 says: “Put not your trust in princes nor in the son of man, in who there is no help.” King Asa died in his “severe” sickness because he did not trust in God but in physicians only (2 Chronicles 16:12).
All human treatments have side effects but divine treatment has none. When God touches a man, he transforms the man absolutely. Ask Naaman, whose healing of leprosy gave him a skin like that of a child (2 Kings 5:14). When God heals, instead of side-effects, he embellishes the healed. Even things affected by the sickness are changed around for better and health becomes evident.
We must engage the Law of Absence of Side-effects when we desire God’s intervention in our lives. Human effort is limited. Divine effort cannot be limited. Begin today to desire divine help over you and your affairs. Trust God to dramatically change your story. If you are sick in your body today, by faith begin to prophecy over yourself saying: “I shall not suffer many things at hands of physicians for God is my healer. In severity of my problems, unlike King Asa, I come to you Lord who answers without side effects and receive my healing today!” If you have said this prayer, trust God to have healed you and bettered your case. It is well with you. God bless you and have a refreshingly fulfilled and power-packed week—without any side-effects of loses or despair, in Jesus Name, Amen.