Our Vision

  • Create a church environment where people from all walks of life are welcomed into the family of Christ.
  • Teach wholly, the undiluted truth of the Gospel of Christ, support believers in finding their identity and becoming mature, worthy ambassadors of Christ.
  • Equip believers to use the gifts of Grace inherent in them to benefit their communities thereby heralding a generation of soul Winners, harvesting the riches purchased for us by Christ Jesus through his suffering & death on the cross as well as His resurrection.


Ecumenical Statement: (Working together to promote Christian Unity and advancing the gospel).

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) affirms its commitment to work with other ecumenical partners in the United Kingdom and beyond to promote Christian unity and advance the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our commitment to successful ecumenism is in recognition of the differences between Christians and between Christian denominations. To this effect we shall approach our partnership engagements in the spirit of Christian love and discipleship that welcomes and embraces difference as enrichment to the various valid expressions of the Christian faith.

In furtherance to the above, RCCG will commit itself whenever possible to:

Worshipping with other Christians

We will seek opportunities to pray and worship with people from other Churches and also invite them to pray and worship with us; this is to enhance greater opportunities for ecumenical expressions of worship and prayer.

Learning, Caring and sharing with other Christians

We will seek opportunities to learn with other Christians about our common faith and heritage to support our growth as Christians, through mutual support and care.

Partnership in Christian service

We will seek opportunities to work in partnership with other denominations to enhance Christian social action and services to people in need in our communities.

Evangelism with other Christians 

We will seek opportunities to join with other Christians in sharing the Gospel and to make more followers of Jesus Christ; thereby enabling the spiritual transformation of society.

As a member church/ denomination of Churches Together in England (CTE), The Redeemed Christian Church of God fully supports the vision of CTE and plays active roles towards achieving these lofty ends. God bless Churches Together in England; a strong and united force let it be for the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.